Ayurveda with Nivartana

“More than a vacation, discover a path to well-being in Sri Lanka, the authentic Ayurveda destination”


What is Ayurveda ?

The term “Ayurveda” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Ayur,” meaning life, and “Veda,” meaning knowledge or science. Therefore, Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” or “knowledge of life.” It is a traditional system of medicine that originated in ancient India and encompasses a holistic approach to health, focusing on balance and harmony among the body, mind, and spirit.

dating back over 5,000 years

Ayurveda in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, Ayurveda plays a significant role in healthcare. It has a rich history and is officially recognized as a traditional medical system. Sri Lanka has it´s own indigenous medicine system in Sri Lanka has ancient roots, dating back over 5,000 years.

It’soften referred to as “Deshiya Chikitsa” or “Hela Wedakama.” It is deeply rooted in the island’s cultural heritage and incorporates traditional healing methods, herbal remedies, and holistic practices.

Indigenous medical practitioners, known as “Deshiya Vaidya,” use a combination of herbal treatments, rituals, and dietary advice to promote well-being.

This system coexists with Ayurveda, providing people with alternative healthcare choices based on traditional Sri Lankan knowledge and practices. Also we at Nivartana provide knowledge,based on a combination of these two wonderful healing system .

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

5 Elements

Ayurveda, the ancient science of healing, offers a unique perspective on health and well-being. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach, emphasizing the combination of mind, body, and spirit. At its core lies the concept of the Panchamahabhutas, the five primal elements – akasha-space,Apo- water,Thejo- fire,Wayo- air, Patawi- earth – which are believed to be the building blocks of the universe and everything within it.

These elements combine in different proportions to form the Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – which governs our physiological and psychological functions.


Three elements combine in different proportions.


Composed of space and air, represents movement, energy, and creativity.


The fiery essence, embodies digestion, metabolism, and transformation.


The combination of water and earth, is responsible for structure, stability, and lubrication.


About Prakriti

Each individual possesses a unique Prakriti, a constitutional blueprint determined by the specific ratio of these doshas. Understanding your Prakriti allows you to make informed choices about food, lifestyle, and daily routines that maintain balance and promote optimal health.


How Ayurveda Enhances Quality of Life ?

Stress less, sleep deeper, and feel your best with the power of Ayurveda.

  • Personalized Approach: Unlike a “one-size-fits-all” model, Ayurveda tailors recommendations to your individual Prakriti, addressing your unique needs and tendencies.
  • Preventative Focus: Ayurveda emphasizes creating harmony within your body and mind to prevent imbalances that manifest as disease.
  • Holistic Well-Being: It addresses not just physical symptoms but also emotional and mental states, promoting overall well-being
  • Natural remedies: Ayurveda utilizes herbs, dietary modifications, Yoga, and meditation to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Food Plays a Crucial Role in Ayurvedic Practice

Understanding how different foods influence your doshas empowers you to make conscious choices that optimize your physical and mental state. For example, Vata individuals benefit from warming, grounding foods like root vegetables and cooked grains, while Pitta thrives on cooling foods like yogurt and leafy greens.

Kapha types should favor lighter foods like vegetables and lentils to avoid stagnation.

Paying attention to what you eat goes beyond mere calories and nutrients. Ayurveda delves into the inherent qualities of food – its taste, energy, and post-digestive effect – to guide you towards choices that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.