The Spice Island

The hidden gem of the Indian ocean is known among many as a beautiful island for its ancient ruins, beautiful beaches, and amazing wildlife. The island has many stories to uncover. And one such story is the story about the Spices and Herbs that Sri Lanka is famous for. Sri Lanka, also known as the “Spice Island” is the home for an exquisite range of spices for centuries. The secret ingredients behind the unique, mouth watering flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine be it meat or vegetable curry is none other than the role played by the spices giving all cuisines a flavorful punch.

Today, the world is moving at a faster pace incorporating science to food but the influence spices have made on the flavors of cuisines of Sri Lanka remains the same. Decades ago Sri Lanka, then known as Thambapani and later Ceylon, has held a solid reputation as one of the World’s largest exporters producing high quality spices. In the early times, before technology was developed herbs and spices played an integral role in preserving food especially meat based dishes.

Western lands set on voyages back in the day to find new routes, lands and treasurers. Spain and Portugal were countries as such but one of their main concerns was to discover lands of spices. The Portuguese searched for spices in the Asian Continent and that’s when they discovered our beautiful island when one of their ship’s accidentally landed in 1605. During the rule of Portuguese the news about the rich cultivation of spices in Sri Lanka spread like fire throughout nations which led the Dutch take control of Sri Lanka. The Dutch contributed immensely towards the growth of the spice and herbs cultivation especially Cinnamon and even designated certain areas to specialize in the growth of one particular spice. As a result of this cultivation they were able to secure heaps of money until the British took over Sri Lanka. The British rule was quite different compared to the Dutch as their main focus was on the cultivation of several crops such as coffee, tea and rubber. Along with the cultivation of the above crops they did not cease to focus on the spice trade as well. Our ancestors say that the period of colonization has been a significant milestone in the history of Spice trade in Sri Lanka! It is no doubt that the lush and fertile lands have yielded not just precious stones but is the home for an amazing array of herbs and spices. Today, Sri Lanka proudly stands tall as the home that provides the finest spices with a unique chemical composition, aroma and flavor which ultimately resulted in seeking the global eye.

SriLankan spice and herbs industry is composed of a large variety of products, ranging from bulk spice products like cinnamon to value-added essential oils. The diverse micro climates and soil types have contributed immensely towards the growth of the Spices in the island, some of them endemic and which has been one of the main causes for the lucrative spice trade throughout the ages. Sri Lanka is rich in the production of many spices such as Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Mace and many more and after years of cultivation and good name the beautiful island Sri Lanka now takes its place as the 9th most important exporter of spices in the world.

Out of the rest Cinnamon is special all because of the smooth, tender, pale brown appearance, a high fragrant odor and a sweet, warm and pleasing taste. The mode of preparation of Cinnamon quills has been passed from one generation to another and this brings out the unique aspect of the Cinnamon cultivation of Sri Lanka.

The unique element of taste and fragrance of Cinnamon is quoted as;

When one is downwind from the island one can still smell the cinnamon eight leagues out to sea

Dutch Captain in 1984

After years of experience in the spice cultivation and the3 hour climate change within the borders, Sri Lanka has now expanded to include Ginger and vanilla to the array of spices exported to the global market.

Just like the unique, mouth watering flavors that spices and herbs create on cuisines, it also gives man immense health benefits. The Srilankan spices have been known to have a boosting effect on the immune system of humans. Sri Lankan herbs and spices are known as the herbs that heal, where it could be consumed in many forms be it bitter, with food or beverages or used
as a spice and have been repeatedly proven to support the immune system, and boost resistance to infection.

Today the spice range of Sri Lanka has grown to significant proportions and made its way into
kitchens around the world hence earning the accolade of “Spice Island”.

Discover the flavor and the aroma of the vibrant spices of Sri Lanka with us, as we at Nivartana have built a reputation for exporting high quality, fair trade and organic natural spices across the world. We are equipped to produce and process high quality spices to export abiding by the requirements of our loyal clientele. Follow the aromas and choose the most enticing spices to satisfy your palate, with us!

Nivartana Where Quality Reigns Supreme!

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